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Get Assassin's Creed Free 2023

Assassin's Creed Unity, annunciato il Season Pass che includerà un dlc
Assassin's Creed Unity, annunciato il Season Pass che includerà un dlc from


If you’re a fan of the Assassin’s Creed series, you might be wondering how to get the latest installment for free. Luckily, there are a few ways to get your hands on the game without spending a dime. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best methods for getting Assassin’s Creed for free in 2023.

Method 1: Participate in Giveaways

One of the easiest ways to get Assassin’s Creed for free is by participating in giveaways. Many gaming websites and social media accounts host giveaways for new games, including Assassin’s Creed. Keep an eye out for these opportunities and be sure to follow the instructions for entry.

Q: Where can I find these giveaways?

A: You can find gaming websites and social media accounts that host giveaways by doing a quick search on Google or social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

Method 2: Use Reward Programs

Another way to get Assassin’s Creed for free is by using reward programs. Some gaming websites offer reward programs that allow you to earn points by completing tasks, such as watching videos or completing surveys. You can then use these points to redeem free games, including Assassin’s Creed.

Q: Can I trust these reward programs?

A: It’s important to do your research before signing up for any reward programs. Make sure the website is reputable and read reviews from other users to ensure it’s legitimate.

Method 3: Borrow from a Friend

If you have a friend who owns Assassin’s Creed, you could ask to borrow their copy. This is a great option if you only want to play the game for a short period of time. Just make sure to return the game in good condition and show your appreciation by treating your friend to dinner or a movie.

Q: What if my friend doesn’t want to lend me their copy?

A: Respect their decision and consider other methods for getting the game for free.

Method 4: Use Torrent Sites

While we don’t condone piracy, it’s important to acknowledge that some people use torrent sites to download games for free. If you choose to use this method, be aware that it’s illegal and could result in consequences such as fines or legal action.

Q: Is it worth the risk to download the game illegally?

A: That’s up to you to decide. However, we highly recommend purchasing the game legally to support the developers and ensure you have a safe and legal copy of the game.


These are just a few of the methods for getting Assassin’s Creed for free in 2023. While some methods may be riskier than others, it’s important to always prioritize legality and respect for the developers. Happy gaming!

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