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Nintendo Switch Keyboard Mouse 2023

How To Use Keyboard And Mouse On The Nintendo Switch! YouTube
How To Use Keyboard And Mouse On The Nintendo Switch! YouTube from

The Basics of Nintendo Switch Keyboard and Mouse

The Nintendo Switch has been a popular console since its release in 2017. It is a versatile gaming system that can be played on the go or on the TV. One of the main drawbacks of the Switch, however, is that it doesn’t support keyboard and mouse input. This makes it difficult for gamers who prefer these input methods to play certain games.

Fortunately, in 2023, Nintendo has released an official keyboard and mouse for the Switch. This new accessory will allow gamers to play games that require keyboard and mouse input, such as first-person shooters and strategy games.

How to Use the Nintendo Switch Keyboard and Mouse

The Nintendo Switch keyboard and mouse are easy to set up. Simply connect the keyboard and mouse to the Switch using the USB port on the dock or the USB-C port on the Switch itself. Once connected, the Switch will automatically recognize the input devices.

Using the keyboard and mouse is straightforward. The keyboard can be used to type messages to friends or search for games in the eShop. The mouse can be used to navigate menus and control the camera in games that support it.

Games That Support Keyboard and Mouse

Currently, not all games on the Switch support keyboard and mouse input. However, there are some games that do, such as Fortnite, Warframe, and Paladins. These games allow gamers to have a more precise control over their characters and improve their gameplay experience.

It’s important to note that not all games that support keyboard and mouse input on other platforms will automatically support it on the Switch. Developers need to specifically add support for the input devices.

Benefits of Using Keyboard and Mouse on Switch

Using a keyboard and mouse on the Switch can have several benefits. Firstly, it can improve the accuracy and speed of gameplay. Gamers who are used to playing first-person shooters on a PC will find that they can have a similar experience on the Switch with the keyboard and mouse. Secondly, it can make it easier to type messages to friends and search for games in the eShop. Finally, it can reduce the strain on the Switch’s Joy-Con controllers, which can be prone to drifting and other issues.


Q: Do I need to buy the official Nintendo Switch keyboard and mouse, or can I use any keyboard and mouse?

A: You can use any keyboard and mouse that are compatible with the Switch. However, using the official Nintendo Switch keyboard and mouse is recommended for the best experience.

Q: Can I use the keyboard and mouse in handheld mode?

A: No, the keyboard and mouse can only be used in docked mode.

Q: Will all games on the Switch eventually support keyboard and mouse input?

A: It’s unlikely that all games on the Switch will support keyboard and mouse input, as some games are designed specifically for Joy-Con controllers. However, as more developers add support for the input devices, we may see more games that support them.


The Nintendo Switch keyboard and mouse are a welcome addition to the Switch’s accessories lineup. They allow gamers to have a more precise control over their characters and improve their gameplay experience. While not all games on the Switch support keyboard and mouse input, there are already several popular games that do. If you’re a gamer who prefers keyboard and mouse input, the Nintendo Switch keyboard and mouse are definitely worth considering.

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