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Ubisoft The Division Free 2023

The Division Recensione Sembra di nuovo Vanilla Destiny
The Division Recensione Sembra di nuovo Vanilla Destiny from


Ubisoft’s The Division has been a popular game since its launch in 2016. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic New York City, where players must work together to survive and take back the city from various factions. In 2023, Ubisoft has made the decision to make the game free for players to download and play. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about The Division going free in 2023.

What Does This Mean for Players?

Players will now have the opportunity to experience The Division without paying any upfront costs. This means that players can try the game out for themselves and see if it’s a good fit for them before committing to purchasing it. Additionally, players who already own the game will receive a special in-game reward for their loyalty.

Why is Ubisoft Making The Division Free?

Ubisoft is making The Division free in order to attract new players to the game. By removing the upfront cost, more players will have the opportunity to try the game out and potentially become long-term players. Additionally, Ubisoft hopes that the increased player base will create a more vibrant and active community.

What About In-Game Purchases?

While the game itself will be free to download and play, there are still in-game purchases available for players. These purchases include cosmetic items, weapons, and other in-game items. However, these purchases are entirely optional and players can still enjoy the game without spending any money.

How Will The Division Going Free Affect the Game?

There are a few ways that The Division going free may affect the game. First, it will likely increase the number of players in the game, creating a more active and vibrant community. Second, it may encourage more players to spend money on in-game purchases, as they have already invested time into the game. Finally, it may lead to more frequent updates and improvements from Ubisoft, as they work to keep the game fresh and engaging for new and existing players alike.

What Do Players Need to Know Before Downloading The Division?

Before downloading The Division, players should be aware of a few things. First, the game requires a stable internet connection, as it is an online-only game. Second, the game is rated M for Mature, so it may not be suitable for all players. Finally, players should be prepared to invest time into the game in order to fully experience everything it has to offer.

Is The Division Worth Playing?

While opinions on The Division vary, many players find the game to be a fun and engaging experience. The game offers a unique blend of RPG and shooter mechanics, and the post-apocalyptic New York City setting is both immersive and engaging. With the game now free, there’s no reason not to give it a try and see if it’s a good fit for you.


Ubisoft’s decision to make The Division free in 2023 is an exciting opportunity for both new and existing players. With the game now available for free, players can experience everything The Division has to offer without any upfront costs. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the game or a new player just discovering it for the first time, there’s never been a better time to dive into The Division and experience the post-apocalyptic world of New York City.

Question & Answer

Q: Will players still be able to play The Division after 2023?

A: Yes, players who download The Division during the free period will be able to continue playing the game indefinitely.

Q: Will The Division be available on all platforms?

A: The Division will be available for free on PC and consoles, including Xbox and PlayStation.

Q: Are there any microtransactions in The Division?

A: Yes, there are in-game purchases available for players, but they are entirely optional and do not affect gameplay.

Q: Is The Division a multiplayer-only game?

A: While The Division is primarily a multiplayer game, there is a single-player campaign available for players to experience.

Q: Can players still purchase The Division after it goes free?

A: Yes, players can still purchase The Division after the free period ends if they wish to own the game permanently.

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